The Disadvantages of an Online College Degree Program

02/02/2012 21:58

Students who are attending online colleges always rave about how they are awesome due to the convenience and flexibility they offer. While an online college degree program can be great, it also comes with disadvantages. Not everything about online classes is perfect and many people try to overlook all of the downfalls that come with online schools. Once students continue wuth their classes, they begin to see the disadvan SU0-121 tages. Here are just a few of them. Time Taking an online college degree program requires a great amount of time. This is based on the pace f the student and not necessarily the school. Online schools tend to make students aware that they work on their time and this puts a great deal of stress on students. This is hard on students as some of them may even have jobs or other obligations throughout the day that prevent them from attending classes. Not Completely Free It has been said that some online classes are free and this is not true. Some say they are less expensive as traditional classes and in SU0- 122 some cases this is true. While you do save money on things such as driving to class, textbooks, and other school supplies, the cost of the program itself can be a bit pricey. There are application fees as well as other registration fees that students need to pay before starting classes. Internet Required One of the most important things about online classes is that you need to have a reliable internet connection. Without one, you cannot go to school online. It's recommended that you have a computer at home as other places that SU0- 123 offer internet are not always open and may not always be reliable for a connection. There are many other disadvantages to an online college degree program. While they are beneficial as well, its more of a personal opinion as to whether you should attend or not.
