Road Blocks or Building Blocks?

12/01/2012 18:32

"Life is a series of experiences, each one of which makes us bigger, even though sometimes it is hard to realize this. For the world was built to develop character, and we must learn that the setbacks and grieves which we endure Ericsson ED0-002 exam help us in our marching onward."
-Henry Ford
When you come across road blocks in life do you let them stop you in your tracks or do you find a way around them so you can move on? Who hasn't been through their fair share of life's challenges? If you haven't, email me and tell me about your perfect life.
There are an array of experiences that can cause you temporarily setbacks but none of them are permanent unless you choose to make them a constant part of your life. That first emotional punch may knock you off your feet, but then you pick yourself up, dust yourself off and move on.
Or, you fall down, stay down, refuse to accept "what is" and remain mired in a self imposed torture chamber. If you find yourself still reliving an old situation, an old hurt or an old injustice get very clear on one thing, no one is holding you hostage but yourself.
Yep, that's right. You may try and blame it on the other person Ericsson ED0-001 exam or you can make all the excuses in the world as to why you can't move on but the reality is you can, but you won't.
Dwelling, crying, moaning, complaining, reliving, talking about, thinking about, wishing you could do it over, wishing things worked out differently, etc. all have one thing in common; it's all negative thinking that isn't going to do one single thing in helping you live a good life.
As a matter of fact it's the very reason that you're miserable. It's the main reason that you can't move on and it's why no one wants to hear about it anymore.
Instead of allowing life's adversities to bring you down and keep you down, let them be a building block. Not only do they build character and give you strength to jump the hurdles TB0-120 in life, they also make you a wiser, more appreciative person. You need to experience pain to know healing, to go through heartache to know joy and to experience loss to be grateful for your blessings.
So the next time you come across a road block on the highway of life, it's up to you to either just sit there and not move on or to find a way around it so you can get to your destination. Just make sure where ever you're going you leave the past behind.
