Paradigm Shift of the Social Conscience in Argument Against Confirmation Bias

11/01/2012 18:34

Are we as logical, and as intelligent as we like to believe we are? Does the state of the world reflect that we are, or does it show us we are lacking in some other area? There was a time in our history Enterasys 2B0-102 exam when a great multitude of men and women put their minds to think and consider many fields. In today's world however, it does not appear to be this way, and this is not the case of the majority.
It is understandable the youth of today must focus on their careers, and this leaves little time left for a study in other fields, this is only one harsh reality of modernism, still it's not written in stone, that we must adhere to the strict rules of society if we are to succeed in life.
It, success, although measured in different ways, and can be defined using various terms, and mean something different to each individual, is a matter of preference and perception. Perception is what this article is about mostly, and how we perceive things can be a cause of any current paradigm. We have Thomas Kuhn to thank for supplying us with the word "paradigm". Although Kuhn himself did not consider the concept of paradigm as appropriate for the social sciences, his statement is what psychologists use to justify confirmation bias. Regardless, people can and will benefit from something that presents itself as a radical and profound paradigm shift of the social conscience.
When I was a young man I used to think the world was a wonderful place, a paradise filled with color, splendor and spectacle. When I grew to become Enterasys 2B0-103 exam an adult and thrust into a world filled with indifference, selfishness and greed, my views changed drastically. Did my paradigm shift? I would have to say that it was a radical and profound paradigm shift.
With respect, this generation has been educated within the rote system of learning for over 100 years, and it is in part because of rote, many of today's youth have a difficult time learning new things, and thinking for themselves? Many of them are lacking in lateral thought, and have problems with inference ability, and many are not very good at deductive reasoning. It is only recent the Universities are encouraging students to become interested and involved in trans-disciplinary study. I say, what about those whom have never attended University, and who is going to inform them of the benefits of becoming independent researchers? How is it going to be for these one's to experience the benefits of autonomous research, and how are they going to realize their own personhood if they are stuck within the confines of a paradigm of selfishness, greed and indifference?
With each new generation, and with each new discovery, we need new terminology, and definition of terms to be available to the public, from which, all may benefit. If humanity is to grow as a whole, we need this now, and it can be supplied by this present younger generation of this period,
Would it not be up to the Governments of this world to encourage the autonomy of its citizenry, and to encourage its citizens to seek out new information so the communities in whole may progress and not just a select few? Regardless of my concern, or the concerns of those who feel the need to complain and argue the fact if we are going to grow the world needs new insights, people will always find new ways to express their views and make their points known. Whether or not a person holds a degree in this or that field, life is about all fields, and the people who are living these lives, will find new paradigms from which to support their ideals.
Could it be possible to produce, experience and benefit from such a radical and profound paradigm ST0-086 shift, if we realize, acknowledge and adhere to the notion that we are logical and intelligent, but also, that we are absurd and sensation based beings of implied essence and inference capabilities
