Better Schools With a PhD in Educational Leadership

03/02/2012 21:11

A teaching establishment made up of the best teaching staff and smartest students do not get to where they are without a good leader spearheading the way. To ensure the continual supply of good leadership in the field of education LE0 -406 , it is towards the advantage of current and prospective school leaders to obtain a PhD in Educational Leadership. The aim of this doctorate program is to instill leadership skills in the areas of management and administration of a teaching environment. As teachers have their hands full with teaching and promoting students' progress, principals need to ensure their school performance is heading towards the achievement of educational objectives. By participating in this PhD program, the candidate is exposed to the workings of a good school, well-oiled and fine-tuned 190- 612 to near perfection. By delving into historical and current statistics, the candidate then understands why his or her school is what it is. Upon knowing what to look for, careful research can then be conducted into areas which are sorely in need of improvement. New areas of potential can also be added to the pipeline as fear of the unknown is countered with strategies and sound plans. Human resource is always an area which needs a leader's attention. In the event teachers are overworked or under utilized, the principal needs to take steps to rectify the situation. As part of the PhD in Education Leadership 190- 510 program, the candidate is exposed to what others have successfully implemented in their schools or is challenged to come up with new strategies. Student affairs are also a veritable area for serious address. Due to the varied population in most schools, tensions arising from differences abound and need to be dealt with adequate actions. School performance is an automatic indication of prestige. By comprehending methods in performance assessment, the PhD candidate can strategize towards better performance in his school. Earning a PhD is also a positive move in career advancement as a doctorate holder can hold a leadership position at regional or national levels.
